
Here's a curated list of projects I've worked on to give you a rough idea of my experience.

MedBridge testing and development tools

Keep development and test tools up to date and improve the ergonomics of them from supporting the QA team establishing end-to-end tests to getting valid local certificates working in our development platform.




AWS CodeBuild Cypress DevSpace Docker GitHub Actions Go Helm Jenkins Kubernetes Minikube MySQL OpenAPI PHP PHPCodeSniffer PHPUnit Python SimpleSAMLphp Terraform TypeScript awk bash eslint go vet golint jest karma mkcert nginx prettier sed staticcheck stylelint

MedBridge large customer consolidation tool

Built a tool to semi-automate consolidating multiple customers into one, expediating a manual process that used to take weeks into a day.



Markdown MySQL OpenDocument spreadsheet Python csv

MedBridge product catalog updates

Worked on updates to streamline product catalog to provide the best value for customers



CodeIgniter Go MySQL PHP PHPUnit php-activerecord

MedBridge Organization Management Development Lead

Lead engineers and projects in the realm of managing user data and foster cross team communication to release projects with heavy impact to other product areas safely and with minimal disruption


MedBridge prorated prices

Synchronize billing dates and allow prorating prices based on the billing date for clients



CodeIgniter Go MySQL PHP PHPUnit php-activerecord

MedBridge multiple accounts

Migrate away from a data paradigm of one user per email address to one where users can have accounts with different organizations and different purchased access to content



Angular CodeIgniter Go MySQL PHP PHPUnit SimpleSAMLphp TypeScript grpc php-activerecord protobuf

MedBridge update account management tools

Create new, modern tools for creating user accounts and managing purchased access associated with user accounts and migrate from older tools



Angular CodeIgniter Go MySQL PHP PHPUnit TypeScript grpc php-activerecord protobuf

MedBridge account invitation automation

Automated invitations for adding users to a new organization allowing for ensuring legal compliance with individual data tranfers



Angular CodeIgniter Go MySQL PHP PHPUnit TypeScript php-activerecord

MedBridge HR Synchronization tools

Update tools for utilizing client HR rosters for onboarding customers with the MedBridge platform and updates to make using these tools for internal MedBridge team easier.



Angular CodeIgniter Excel Go Helm Karma Kubernetes MySQL PHP PHPUnit TypeScript csv php-activerecord

MedBridge Billing Integration

Work with contractors to get an integration with an external billing system evaluated and functional.



Angular CodeIgniter Go Helm Kubernetes MySQL PHP PHPUnit TypeScript php-activerecord

MedBridge Segmented Invoicing

Built filters and fixes for custom internal invoicing tools for dividing up client invoices for more effective billing.



CodeIgniter JavaScript MySQL PHP jQuery php-activerecord


Get the video embed tag for video services when given a video URL; supports YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch and Mixer and is built to support more. Designed for forum software to make easy to use bbcode to use these kinds of videos, but can be applied to almost anywhere.



TypeScript SCSS Parcel

Personal Website

The website you're viewing this on. I wanted to experiment with some different technologies I was itching to try and figured having a place to document what I've built and worked on over the years. I've since switched it over from and webpack to jekyll and parcel respectively.



Jekyll CSS JavaScript SASS TypeScript Parcel YAML

New Hampshire Mutual Bancorp Websites

A bank holding company and their banks. I helped make sure we met all the security requirements the banks were asking of us. In addition, on all 4 websites I did some cleanup and browser compatibility fixes. The largest part of the project for me was building a backend for their employees to manage loan and deposit rates- they had a previous system that was integrated into WordPress, the new backend is a separate custom-built PHP application so their employees who only need to access the rates don't need access to the WordPress side of things. This integrates with their frontend via a custom-built WordPress plugin.



CSS Composer Gulp HTML JSON JavaScript jQuery MySQL PHP Silex WordPress

Linder's Inventory Board

A web application built to display automobile inventory on a large touchscreen for use by customers. A backend built in Silex was used for storing the inventory in a MySQL database and serving it to the AngularJS frontend.



AngularJS CSS Composer Gulp HTML JavaScript PHP Silex

Davis ROI Dashboard

I maintained, updated, and eventually rebuilt a system that loads up data from Google Adwords, Google Analytics, Zedo and Perfect Audience for clients to review. This data would be used in monthly reports that were sent over to clients as well. My custom system was built from the ground up in-between working on other projects.



CSS Composer Google Adwords Google Analytics Gulp HTML JavaScript jQuery MySQL PHP Perfect Audience Silex

Service Credit Union Exchange Rates

Service Credit Union is a credit union who's main clients are the US military. A big thing for them is to have accurate exchange rates between various currencies. I built a simple backend for their employees to update exchange rates and rebuilt their original frontend to display them on their site.



CSS Composer Gulp HTML JavaScript jQuery MySQL PHP Silex

Rockingham Boat Website

A boat dealer website in New Hampshire. I built the inventory system and front page for their current website. The front page is easily customizable by a regular WordPress with custom fields- no need to go into the template to change up the content there. The real meat of the site, however, is the inventory system as it's built with custom post types in WordPress converted from an XML data file of their inventory that is updated weekly. The data is pulled from the file and put into the custom post type as well as images downloaded and imported into the WordPress CMS. We were basically sent the XML file without any documentation so I had to sift through it and figure out how exactly the data was stored to pull out what we needed.



CSS HTML JavaScript jQuery MySQL PHP WordPress XML

Wayback Burgers Website

An international burger restuarant franchise with some pretty good food if you ask me. Back in 2014 they had a whole new website built for them. It was a pretty big project throughout the web department. The most important thing I built was the locations page, which despite a redesign of the site, my locations code is still running on the site. Although most of the site was handled by other team members, I worked on various other aspects of the site, such as getting them a more reliable webhost for their needs, upgrading them to HTTPS, working their feedback/employment forms into the locations system, build a few promotional pages, updated the design for the loyalty program site, and some various tweaks here and there to keep the site running smooth.



CSS Composer Google Maps HTML JSON JavaScript jQuery MySQL PHP WordPress

Mobile Inventory App

An application for keeping track of personal inventory. The first time I've dealt with making a mobile app and the entire technical design was left up to me. The backend was hosted on Heroku with the Django REST Framework and postgreSQL. It's the first time I've worked with Django and I wouldn't mind working with it again. The frontend was built with AngularJS with Angular Material and packaged into an app with Cordova. This was around the time Angular 2 was on the horizon but wasn't finalized yet, but even then 1 seemed like the perfect fit for this kind of task. Unfortunately this didn't get to be completed as it was shelved, but I had a working prototype that fit the requirements that was even shown off at a public conference. I had a lot of fun working with new technologies that I thought were interesting and learning the ins-and-outs of them.



AngularJS CSS Django Django REST Framework Gulp HTML Heroku JSON JavaScript PostgreSQL Python

Sassy You Website

A ecommerce clothing site. I cleaned up and kept their site secure. The client eventually moved their site to a different platform without us.



CSS HTML JavaScript MySQL PHP WordPress jQuery

WordPress Backups & Maintenence at Davis Advertising

Worked at making sure our backup systems were fully functional and working as intended, as well as keeping the various client as well as our own WordPress sites up to date and secure.


Server Management at Davis Advertising

Built and ran development server, made hosting recommendations & helped iron out server installs and related details.



Apache Bash CentOS MySQL PHP

SMS Information Collection

One of those "text X to Y" kind of systems to collect customer data through SMS using the Twilio API and store them in a MySQL database for use later.



Composer MySQL PHP Silex Twilio

Email contest form

Just a simple form for collecting user information and sending out confirmation emails.



Composer MySQL PHP Silex Twilio

Yesway Website

Built their locations system as well as built the front-end of their rewards system.



CSS Google Maps HTML JavaScript WordPress

Cyberonic Wi-Fi Manager

A front-end for managing hotel (and similar kinds of locations) guest wifi connections built for Cyberonic Internet Communications. This was highly modified from daloRADIUS when I started on the project. I maintained and modified it as needed. The biggest addition I added was a way for the clients to modify captive protals content via a WYSIWYG editor. I also helped monitor and deal with issues on the networks this was used with.



CKEditor CSS daloRADIUS freeRADIUS HTML JavaScript PHP Python

Cyberonic Security Cameras

A new product for Cyberonic that I did a lot of the initial research into getting to work as intended, as well as assisting in some camera installs and networking related to the cameras.


Cyberonic Internet Communications Website

This was my introduction into WordPress; the vast majority of this site's work wasn't hanlded by me, but I did a few minor tweaks here and there as needed.



CSS HTML JavaScript PHP WordPress

Cyberonic Server Maintenance

Cyberonic hosted various severs covering a wide array of different uses. I helped make sure they were working as intended and we had backups and updates as needed.



Apache Bash CentOS Debian MySQL PHP

Cyberonic IT

Make sure everyone's computers are working as intended and can connect to the various Cyberonic sevrices. Updated and install machines as needed.




Cyberonic Server Virtualization

The team made a big move to get most of the aging physical servers on a new virtualization platform. I played a significant role in getting everything up and running on the new platform.




Cyberonic Network Redesign

Helped pick out equipment and get everything working and documented to make sense of and bring an aging network infrastructure to the modern day.



MikroTik Router

Cyberonic Phone System

I helped update the office phone systems from some old cisco phones to new Digium phones with an Asterisk platform.



Asterisk Digium Phones

Various websites, forums, and chat rooms.

My introduction into web development was me building and learning everything I can to make some personal websites and I even helped run a few communities online at a few points and improved their websites and forums. None of these are still around unfortunately, but it was great experience and I'm still pretty passionate about technologies for helping people communicate.




IRC Chat Bot

One of my earliest programming projects was a chat bot I built in the mIRC scripting language. It wasn't very complicated, just responded to some simple commands. I'm pretty sure I've lost all trace of it unfortunately, but I basically was throwing anything I could think of at it. I even had a simple GUI in development for configuring it. It was pretty amazing all the things you could do with the mIRC scripting language.



IRC mIRC Scripting